Tooth Extractions

At Washington Court House Dental, we are committed to saving your natural teeth. But sometimes, other restorative treatments, such as dental fillings or dental crowns, aren’t enough. If your tooth has been severely damaged and nothing can be done to save it, tooth removal may be necessary. 

What is a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket or alveolus. There are two types of extraction procedures: 

  • Simple extraction: This is the most common tooth removal procedure. Simple extractions are usually performed on teeth visible in the mouth and are typically done under local anesthesia. 
  • Surgical extraction: Surgical procedures are performed when the tooth cannot be accessed easily. This happens when the tooth has not fully erupted or when the tooth has been broken off under the gumline. During a surgical tooth extraction, we will make a small incision into your gum and remove the underlying tooth, usually under general anesthesia.

Why Would You Need to Get a Tooth Pulled?

  • Decay or Infection: If a tooth becomes irreparably damaged due to severe decay, the tooth may need to be removed. If the decay reaches the pulp or center of the tooth, bacteria can invade the tooth and cause an infection, and, in this case, tooth extraction may be the best course of action.
  • Trauma or Injury: Trauma or injury to the mouth might damage teeth, or associated ligaments, bone, and tissue, and tooth extraction may be the only option to prevent further damage. 
  • Orthodontic Treatment: A crooked smile or a bad bite can develop if there isn’t enough room in the mouth for all the adult teeth. In some cases, extracting one or more teeth can help free up space that allows the remaining teeth and jaws to be correctly aligned through orthodontic treatment. 
  • Wisdom Teeth: Removing wisdom teeth is usually recommended to reduce the risk of overcrowding and infection and prevent the development of other dental problems later.

What Happens if You Don’t Get Your Dead Tooth Pulled?

It’s essential to treat a dying or dead tooth as soon as possible because, left untreated, the bacteria from the dead tooth can spread and lead to the loss of additional teeth. It could also affect your jawbone and gums.

Ways to Replace Teeth

After tooth extraction, there are several ways to replace your missing teeth. 

  • Implants: Dental implants provide a permanent solution if you need to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. A dental implant utilizes a crown and an artificial root to create a natural-looking tooth.
  • Bridges: This restoration fills the space where one or more teeth were removed. The two teeth closest to the gap on both sides are often used as anchors for the bridge. 
  • Dentures: A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They are the most economical option for those who have lost most of their real teeth. 

Is Tooth Removal Painful?

Tooth removal is done under anesthesia, so you won’t experience any pain during the procedure. However, you can expect a certain amount of pain, discomfort, and swelling following an extraction. We may prescribe or recommend a painkiller, and applying an ice pack to your cheek can help reduce swelling.

Tooth Extraction Recovery

Recovery after tooth extraction usually takes a few days. Follow these steps to ensure your recovery goes smoothly: 

  • For 24 hours following your extraction, you shouldn’t rinse your mouth vigorously, drink from a straw, or clean the teeth next to the extraction site to avoid dislodging the clot in the socket.
  • Relax for at least 24 hours after the extraction and limit activity for the next day or two.
  • Don’t smoke, as this can inhibit healing. 
  • Eat soft foods, such as pudding, soup, and yogurt, with a spoon after the extraction. Gradually add solid foods to your diet as the extraction site heals. 
  • Brush and floss your teeth but avoid the extraction site to help prevent infection. 

Tooth Removal Cost

The tooth removal cost varies depending on several factors, such as how complicated the procedure is. A simple extraction usually costs between $75 and $200 per tooth, but the cost to remove impacted teeth is significantly higher and can land anywhere between $800 and $4,000. However, dental insurance typically covers this cost. 

Tooth Removal in Washington Court House, OH

At Washington Court House Dental, our goal is always to preserve your existing teeth as long as possible, and we will consider all options to achieve a healthy smile before recommending an extraction. For a painless, safe, and the most comfortable tooth extraction, contact us today to schedule an appointment.  

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Call 740-333-7290 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.